Wednesday, May 13, 2009

America's Fattest Fatties

This is a from a quote by Dr Cox on Scrubs "Listen up. I have been cursed to work the night shift with you chuckleheads, which means I have to tape the Laker-Heat game. And seeing as no one in the history of this germ box has ever made it through a shift without saying Oh my God, oh, my God, did you see what happened last night on America's Fattest Fatties? A 900 pound woman lost a pound and a half and cried for twenty minutes! Be warned: If you utter a word about the score of the game, it will be your last. Now get out! Go, go, go, go, go. Chop chop!" Ever since then I have referred to Biggest Loser as America's Fattest Fatties.

So this site will be a weight loss group thingy. I plan on coming up with a list of points blatantly taken from the walking to SLC program but it will be the exercise things only, maybe also include food ones we'll see. Anyway I will find a way to make a chart of sorts to track progress. I think it will be interesting to track points and weight loss to see how well those correlate. So anyone who wants to play can. You don't have to have your real name or even real weight we will report loss in % so if you weigh 250 then 5lbs would be 2% so weekly total % lost and then total from start is what we would keep track of... And if noone wants to play with me then you can come read about me losing .05% and fun stuff like that. I'd need a better scale though to measure that.

So let me know if you want to play and I will post a list of points soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'll play and if you get a Wii and a Wii fit then it will tell you when you've lost that little.
