Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Plan starts Monday!

I haven't been posting weekly updates because A-no one to notice and B- it's been pretty bad lately. I found a bookmark for an exercise plan I apparently liked but never did anything with it because I apparently forgot about it. I have decided I am starting it tomorrow. It is 30 min of cardio and 30 min of strength training a day. On Monday morning I am going to go sign up for a free 1 week trial at a gym and then plan to do the same thing again the next Monday in order to have access to a treadmill. Ok well technically there is a treadmill at my house but I don't like it and am trying to sell it. I could also run outside but it is too hot most times of day for that here. I will likely "play" with some of the other equipment at the gym but will do the strength part at home. it is made for at home and just requires hand weights, which I own. So on Monday I plan to post my weekly update and will continue for 2 more weeks at least as I try this new plan.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Not working

What I am doing isn't working. Trying to pay attention to food and do some form of exercise everyday. Some days it works out okay and others I gain weight and can't figure out why. Not going to pay attention to food for a while just going to focus on exercise then once I have that down better I will start working on food again....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday update

Yes, I know it is Tuesday but since no one reads this anyway it doesn't really matter now does it. I gained weight but I am excited it is only a bit. I got free birthday food from restaurants last week. 2 meals & a shake on Monday. A meal on Tuesday. Plus celebrating at home so the fact that I only gained .35% is a good thing (that is less than a pound for those of you imaginary people who are wondering). So next week I should definitely lose weight!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Goal one - check

Met my first goal. Yeah! Now on to my next one. This week my weight went down 1%. Still not fattest fatties numbers but it counts!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Weekly update

I lost .5% of my weight this week. Which isn't much but it is something. I have to lose another 1% this week to meet my goal. With my free food from restaurants for my upcoming birthday and like 3 picnics between now & next Monday I am not sure if I am going to make my monthly goal...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekly Update

This week I didn't gain weight so that is good! I lost 1% compared to my weight last week. Which isn't a huge amount but definitely has me on track to lose more weight than the hussy! I also hope to meet my mini goal of losing 2% more before the end of the month. Should be able to with how I am doing so far. Still trying for at least 15 min of exercise a day and 64oz of water but I have also started eating breakfast at a reasonable time and not eating huge meals. I think I did the 15 min all but one day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Not so good

So I didn't weigh in last Monday because I was gone, I didn't weigh in until the evening on Wednesday. But the change in weight was + .2% so not much change & sadly in the wrong direction. So I am going to continue working on at least 15 minutes of exercise a day and drinking enough water. I was able to do the 15 min everyday but I should probably increase the intensity of exercise.

Friday, June 4, 2010

new plan - lose more weight than the skinny hussy

So on a different blog this girl was trying to lose weight for 6 months and she was "super brave" and posted her starting weight. Yeesh people she is tall and weighed 165! I would be stoked if I weighed 165 & I am shorter than her. Yes she did have some tummy left from the baby but she still looked good. Anyway she did well and lost 19lbs in 6 months which is like 11.5% of her body weight. When I was reading it I was like heck if the already skinny girl can lose 11.5% of her weight in 6 months I should totally be able to lose at least that much is not more cuz I have waaayyyy further to go. You know kinda like Michael on fattest fatties could lose like 20 lbs in one week.

I am not brave enough to put on my starting weight (even though no one reads this it is public so someone could) & when I am done I will post before & after pics but I will be totally clothed cuz no one wants to see my tummy. My goal for the first week is to drink at least 64oz of water and get 15 min of exercise everyday. I like to start slowly and then add things as I go. My next steps will be to define how much aerobics vs strength & increase exercise time as well as to have a set amount of fruits and veggies.

I will post my results weekly as a % of weight lost because that is how fattest fatties does it & fattest fatties is super cool!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fat models????????

I am so tired of all the super garbage about how European fashion shows aren't using skinny models anymore. And some people are complaining the girls are too fat/curvy. They all need to get real. While the girls aren't as skinny as they used to be they are still all like size 2 or 4 at most. Just because someone doesn't wear a negative size it doesn't make them fat!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Do these pants make my butt look big?

I was trying on pants today and was like hmm I wonder if these pants make my butt look big. Then I thought about the inherent issues with that question. The pants don't make my butt look big it is big and unless the pants are magic my butt will continue to look big. At least they are comfy though. Now where did I put my mini stair climber????

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It isn't your weight loser!

Loser as in Biggest Loser contestant. Like half of them today are all mew mew no one likes me cuz I'm fat and I've never been in love or I never kissed a girl cuz I'm fat. Guess what? I know plenty of fatties who are married or date and they got married as a fatty. You don't date/aren't married cuz you have other issues than just your weight. Not to be rude but people need to wake up about the reality of it all cuz they are going to be sorely disappointed when they are skinny and still not dating. They are plenty of shy or annoying or odd skinny people in the same relationship boat as the fatties and they have never had a weight issue. Yes there will be more people hitting on you when you are skinnier but it will not fix all your issues. Stupid whiny people.... So far I like green.