Sunday, December 20, 2009


In addition to a gold star (see the post from yesterday) I also have very sore legs. I hope I am done making my ow that hurts face every time I sit down or stand up before church starts.....

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I get a gold star

Ok so I wanted to play Tetris this morning but instead I exercised. And it was like for 2 hours! Never mind the fact that no one else in the house thinks it was that long or that it was a one hour show and I fast forwarded through commercials. I was the one exercising so I am the only one who knows how long it really was. Yay! Gold Star for me!!!! If you want a gold star too let me know something good you did and I will give you one. =)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December goal

Ok so the goal for December is to not gain weight/get back down to your pre-Thanksgiving weight. The point system is going to be very simple for this month.

Daily points
Try tip of the day - 1 point
drink at least 64 oz of water - 1 point
5 fruits and veggies (must be 5 different ones) - 1 point
Exercise for 15 minutes - half a point
"Exercise" for 15 minutes - quarter of a point

At the end of the month
1 lb lost - 5 points

Points for weight loss aren't very high because the goal is to get back to where we were, in future months it will be higher.

And for definitions on exercise vs "exercise" - exercise is really working you know heart rate up maybe even sweating. "exercise" is I am doing this even though I don't want to and figured walking 2.5 miles an hour on the treadmill while watching tv was better than sitting on the couch watching tv.