Sunday, December 20, 2009


In addition to a gold star (see the post from yesterday) I also have very sore legs. I hope I am done making my ow that hurts face every time I sit down or stand up before church starts.....

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I get a gold star

Ok so I wanted to play Tetris this morning but instead I exercised. And it was like for 2 hours! Never mind the fact that no one else in the house thinks it was that long or that it was a one hour show and I fast forwarded through commercials. I was the one exercising so I am the only one who knows how long it really was. Yay! Gold Star for me!!!! If you want a gold star too let me know something good you did and I will give you one. =)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December goal

Ok so the goal for December is to not gain weight/get back down to your pre-Thanksgiving weight. The point system is going to be very simple for this month.

Daily points
Try tip of the day - 1 point
drink at least 64 oz of water - 1 point
5 fruits and veggies (must be 5 different ones) - 1 point
Exercise for 15 minutes - half a point
"Exercise" for 15 minutes - quarter of a point

At the end of the month
1 lb lost - 5 points

Points for weight loss aren't very high because the goal is to get back to where we were, in future months it will be higher.

And for definitions on exercise vs "exercise" - exercise is really working you know heart rate up maybe even sweating. "exercise" is I am doing this even though I don't want to and figured walking 2.5 miles an hour on the treadmill while watching tv was better than sitting on the couch watching tv.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Anytime Fitness

So anytime fitness has a 3 week exercise lab study thing they are doing. People who haven't exercised much recently get to use their gym for 3 weeks for free and they take measurements at the beginning and end like body fat %, resting heart rate, waist & hip measurements, weight # of pull ups you can do at 60% of your body weight (that would be none) and sit ups in a minute (only 17, I do crunches not sit ups!). It is halfway through week 3 and I think I have lost like 1.5 or 2 lbs. I still don't think I will be able to do any pull ups at 60% of my weight (I can barely do them only lifting 10% of my weight) but I hope my other measurements will be better when I do my final appt on Friday... Maybe I will cheat and go in, in the morning cuz I tend to weigh less then. I want to go to the buffet for lunch tomorrow so it might not work out so well for me.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Seriously need to work harder...

Ok so i have been slackering and I need to work harder. The walking to SLC thing ain't working. As one of El Cid's siblings pointed out you can get there by the end of the year doing things he normally does without even trying. So I am going to keep that so i can beat V there (currently ahead of her in miles I think) but I need to do more cuz I don't think they will let me ride the rides at Disneyland if I still weigh 582 pounds...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dance your A$$ off

Have you heard of this show? It's great! It's like America's Fattest Fatties ate Dancing with the Stars. Ok so a polite way to say it would be merged with but I tend to refer to mergers as one company eating another and it seemed fitting for this. This show is great they eat real food. have a "cheat" cabinet full of food and focus more on exercise. One of the Drs in the premiere said they have a cheat cabinet because that is reality they need to be able to have access to junk food cuz there is junk food in the real world. And not just for challenges it is there all the time!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Below the red line

Ok so I am not a fan of yellow, I like red so my line is going to be red.  And I am definitely below the line this week.  Even though I don't have info on anyone else or a Wii Fit to tell me how I am doing in tiny little percentages of a pound I know I am below the red line....   

And the weather is not helping!  It has been getting warm which I usually adjust to quickly but here it gets warm and as you are trying to adjust it gets warmer!  Did the weather here not get the memo that it can't do that?  Cuz someone should let it know!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

America's Fattest Fatties

This is a from a quote by Dr Cox on Scrubs "Listen up. I have been cursed to work the night shift with you chuckleheads, which means I have to tape the Laker-Heat game. And seeing as no one in the history of this germ box has ever made it through a shift without saying Oh my God, oh, my God, did you see what happened last night on America's Fattest Fatties? A 900 pound woman lost a pound and a half and cried for twenty minutes! Be warned: If you utter a word about the score of the game, it will be your last. Now get out! Go, go, go, go, go. Chop chop!" Ever since then I have referred to Biggest Loser as America's Fattest Fatties.

So this site will be a weight loss group thingy. I plan on coming up with a list of points blatantly taken from the walking to SLC program but it will be the exercise things only, maybe also include food ones we'll see. Anyway I will find a way to make a chart of sorts to track progress. I think it will be interesting to track points and weight loss to see how well those correlate. So anyone who wants to play can. You don't have to have your real name or even real weight we will report loss in % so if you weigh 250 then 5lbs would be 2% so weekly total % lost and then total from start is what we would keep track of... And if noone wants to play with me then you can come read about me losing .05% and fun stuff like that. I'd need a better scale though to measure that.

So let me know if you want to play and I will post a list of points soon!